Trenkwalder is awarded the contract for the recruitment of skilled labour by the Carinthian state government  - AustriaTrenkwalder is awarded the contract for the recruitment of skilled labour by the Carinthian state government  - Austria
Trenkwalder is awarded the contract for the recruitment of skilled labour by the Carinthian state government  - Austria

Team Trenkwalder

about 2 months ago

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Human resourcesCompany News

Trenkwalder is awarded the contract for the recruitment of skilled labour by the Carinthian state government - Austria

Agency for third-country-labour

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The shortage of labour and skilled workers remains a challenge for Carinthian companies. In March (2024), there were 5,500 vacancies. The province wants to counteract the shortage with a new agency that is to recruit labour from third countries and other continents. The new agency is due to start work as early as next week. It will initially focus on the three sectors with the greatest shortage of skilled labour according to the social partners: electrical engineering, metalworking and nursing and healthcare. According to Sebastian Schuschnig (ÖVP), the state of Carinthia will invest five million euros in the agency per year.

Trenkwalder awarded for three years following a Europe-wide tendering process

Trenkwalder was awarded the contract for three years following a Europe-wide tendering process. With its network in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa, it will find suitable skilled workers and assist them with the administrative process up to the Red-White-Red Card. Trenkwalder CEO Mark Pollok: ‘We want to be the bridge between the companies in Carinthia and the foreign markets and then make sure that we find the perfect match for both sides.’ Depending on the industry, the search radius is extended to all continents during recruitment, whereby compatible training standards are taken into account during placement. The first of the six-month industry calls will start at the beginning of June.

"We welcome the Carinthian state government's acquisition of skilled labour. In a precarious labour market situation, this sends an important signal to the economy. As one of the leading personnel service providers in Europe, we are not only internationally networked, but also regionally anchored. It is precisely this fact that enables us to respond to the local shortage of skilled labour. In addition to our concentrated recruiting expertise within and outside the EU, our strength lies in the fact that our recruiting processes, from application to onboarding, are digitalised. We are delighted to be on board as a recruiting partner as part of this pioneering initiative,’ said Trenkwalder CEO Mark Pollok at press conference on the Carinthian state government's on April 22nd 2024.

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Munich, 4 September 2024 - Press Release

Trenkwalder has been awarded 1st place in the independent recruiting study BEST RECRUITERS 2023/2024, securing the top position in the industry in Germany this year.

As the most comprehensive recruiting study in German-speaking countries, BEST RECRUITERS annually analyses recruiting quality in Germany, Austria and Switzerland from the perspective of applicants. The award recognises Trenkwalder's commitment and outstanding success in attracting and successfully integrating talented specialists for client companies. The Trenkwalder Group relies on innovative recruiting methods such as WhatsApp applications and a high degree of digitalisation to meet applicants where they are in their everyday lives.

‘The award is an important milestone for us and a great confirmation of our efforts, especially in the last year,’ says Mark Pollok, Managing Director of Trenkwalder Personaldienste GmbH Deutschland and CEO of Trenkwalder Group AG. ‘With our brand relaunch, we have set new standards in the industry and sharpened our identity as a company. The award emphasises that we are able to do outstanding work in a highly competitive market and clearly position ourselves through our modern, effective recruiting strategies.’

Trenkwalder is thus continuing its successful path of implementing the highest quality standards, especially in digital recruiting services. The award underlines Trenkwalder's leading role in recruitment services.

In addition to the award within the industry, the personnel service provider also secured fourth place in the overall cross-industry ranking of 1,200 employers surveyed in the D-A-CH region. This once again highlights the high level of satisfaction of applicants with the candidate journey at Trenkwalder.

‘An optimised candidate journey is a decisive factor for our success: regular feedback allows us to make targeted adjustments and ensure that our application processes are transparent, efficient and appreciative. As a result, we not only attract the best talents, but also offer them an exceptional application experience that creates trust and strengthens our brand in the long term. That is how we have succeeded in setting innovative standards in the industry,’ explains Michaela Hrdlicka, Head of Applicant Management at Trenkwalder Personaldienste GmbH Germany.

Press contact:

On request we will be happy to provide you with further images for your reporting and arrange an interview with Michaela Hrdlicka, Head of strategic Marketing & Recruiting, or Mark Pollok, CEO of Trenkwalder Group AG, CEO Trenkwalder Germany and Austria.


The BEST RECRUITERS study is the largest recruiting study in German-speaking countries and analyses the recruiting quality of companies in the D-A-CH region from the applicants' perspective every year.


Trenkwalder is one of the leading outsourcing service providers in Central and Eastern Europe and is represented in 16 European countries. With over 38 years of experience and more than 200 locations, Trenkwalder has gradually developed over the past years from a pure temporary staffing and personnel consulting company into a leading partner in Europe for holistic hybrid solutions: Today, the group offers solutions in the areas of HR services, outsourcing and technology as a strategic partner for clients from all sectors of the economy.


The Droege Group (founded in 1988) is an independent investment and consulting firm, wholly family-owned. The company acts as a specialist for tailor-made transformation programmes with the aim of increasing corporate value. The Droege Group combines its family business structure and capital strength into a family equity business model. The Group invests equity in ‘special opportunities’ focussing on medium-sized companies and spin-offs as well as strategically in buy & build transactions. With the guiding principle of ‘realisation - by every trick in the book’, the group is one of the pioneers of realisation-oriented corporate development. The Droege Group's entrepreneurial platforms are geared towards long-term megatrends. Enthusiasm for quality, innovation and speed determines the company's development. The Droege Group has successfully positioned itself in the market both nationally and internationally and is operationally active with its entrepreneurial platforms in 30 countries.

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Remote Work and Workation - Exploring modern work modelsRemote Work and Workation - Exploring modern work models

Remote Work and Workation - Exploring modern work models

Human resources

The way we work has evolved significantly in recent years, with flexible work models like Remote Work and Workation gaining prominence. But what exactly do these terms mean?

Remote Work vs. Home Office - Key legal differences

The term "Home Office" is often used to describe working from home, but labor law distinguishes between telecommuting (Home Office) and mobile working (Remote Work).
Telecommuting involves setting up a permanent workspace in the employee's home, adhering to workplace regulations. Employers must provide the necessary equipment and follow occupational health and safety rules.
On the other hand, mobile working allows employees to work from various locations—such as trains, cafes, or even the beach—without being bound by the same stringent regulations. This gives companies greater flexibility but also places more responsibility on them regarding health and safety and working time regulations.

Workation - Blending work and vacation

A growing trend in mobile work is the "Workation," a combination of "Work" and "Vacation." This model allows professionals to work remotely while enjoying a vacation. Not only does this make companies more attractive in the talent market, but according to the Institute for German Economy (iwd) it also enhances employee satisfaction, creativity, and productivity.

However, before planning a Workation, consider the following:

• Legal Requirements: These vary by country and require clear agreements between employees and employers.

• Tax, Visa, and Insurance: Clarify these regulations in advance to avoid any complications.

• Technical Needs: Ensure a reliable internet connection and necessary work equipment. Coordination with the company's IT department can help meet all technical requirements.

  • Legal Requirements: These vary by country and require clear agreements between employees and employers.

  • Tax, Visa, and Insurance: Clarify these regulations in advance to avoid any complications.

  • Technical Needs: Ensure a reliable internet connection and necessary work equipment. Coordination with the company's IT department can help meet all technical requirements.

The future of work is evolving

In a globalized world where the lines between work and personal life continue to blur, flexible work models like Remote Work and Workation offer viable solutions to modern work demands. By embracing and supporting these models, companies can enhance their appeal and transform their teams' working methods.

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Working from Home: Tips for summer and beyondWorking from Home: Tips for summer and beyond

Working from Home: Tips for summer and beyond

Human resources

Working from home has become a staple of the modern work environment, especially following the global pandemic. Flexible work models, such as remote work, offer numerous benefits for both companies and employees. But how can you make the most of this working style?

Benefits and challenges of working from home

For many employees, working from home provides greater time and flexibility. Reduced commute times, lower stress levels, and fewer distractions can even boost productivity. Moreover, it allows for better work-life balance, especially during vacation periods when many families need to care for their children at home. According to studies by the Hans-Böckler-Foundation, 77% of respondents appreciate the benefits of working from home in this context. This positive effect is also supported by a PwC study, which found increased productivity among 57% of the surveyed managers.

Despite its numerous advantages, working from home also presents challenges. The boundaries between work and personal life can blur easily, leading to increased stress, overwork, and even burnout.

Tips for productive work from home

  • Create a distraction-free environment: When you're not alone at home, working without interruptions can be challenging. Clear agreements with family members about times and spaces for focused work are essential. Noise-cancelling headphones can help you concentrate better, even in a lively environment.

  • Establish a dedicated workspace: Psychologically, it's important to have a specific area designated for work. This helps differentiate between work mode and leisure mode. Having a dedicated workspace promotes concentration and structure in your daily routine. At the end of the day, leave your workspace as you would leave the office. Maintaining a clear separation between work and personal life is crucial to preserving work-life balance while working from home.

  • Minimize distractions: Turn off notifications on your smartphone and avoid working in environments with too many stimuli. Ensure that your workspace is free of personal items that could distract you.

  • Invest in your work environment: An ergonomic setup with a good office chair, an adjustable desk, and a stable internet connection is key to long-term comfort. Companies should invest in their employees' home office infrastructure to ensure optimal working conditions.

  • Maintain a clear structure: Set clear daily goals and plan your tasks and break times intentionally. A structured approach helps you stay efficient. Regular breaks are essential to avoid burnout.

Working from home offers many opportunities if done right. With the right tips and good preparation, employees can remain productive, especially during the summer holidays. A balanced approach to work and family life, along with a well-adapted work environment, is crucial. Clear agreements and a structured work style can help you make the most of working from home—not just in summer, but all year round.

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