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Bernhard Höß retires - A farewell interviewBernhard Höß retires - A farewell interview
Bernhard Höß retires - A farewell interview

Team Trenkwalder

2 days ago

7 min read

Company NewsHuman resources

Bernhard Höß retires - A farewell interview

After 30 years at Trenkwalder Bernhard Höß retires.

After more than 30 years of loyal service, we bid farewell to Bernhard Höß on his well-deserved retirement. His many years of loyalty and commitment to Trenkwalder are a remarkable example of employee retention and loyalty. In this farewell interview, he shares his memories, experiences and advice with us.

Bernhard, how do you feel when you look back on over 30 years at Trenkwalder?

I can say that I am a little proud that I have remained loyal to a company for so long.

What has motivated you to stay loyal to the company over all these years?

My colleagues, some of whom I still maintain very good contact with, have been a particular source of motivation.
I was also motivated by the innovations and changes in temporary work. However, I was never particularly fond of social media!

Are there any special memories or moments from these 30 years that have particularly stuck in your mind?

I have very fond memories of my time as a ‘Specialist Coach Assistance’. This enabled me to get to know or set up many new branches throughout Germany and to train new assistants.
However, the highlights were the company events, such as the occupational safety days, various conferences and further training courses, as well as the Christmas parties.
Here you could get to know your colleagues better in personal conversations.

How would you describe the team and the collaboration with your colleagues?

The cooperation in the Regensburg team was very collegial and friendly. You could always rely on each other.
This is the reason why many employees remain very loyal to the company.

Have you built up any special friendships or professional relationships that are important to you?

Yes - the friendships still exist. Regular get-togethers bring back the good times from the past.

Did you have a daily ritual or routine that helped you to structure your working day and be successful?

The morning started with a good cup of coffee and sometimes even a piece of cake or pastry.

How have technological developments affected your work, and is there a particular tool or technology that you have particularly appreciated?

The good old days of writing on index cards and typewriters have been replaced by programmes and laptops. The advert in the newspaper and personal contact with customers has been/is being replaced by social media and Teams.

Is there a hidden talent or passion that your colleagues might not know about?

My hidden talents ‘remain hidden’ too.

Is there a personal motto or philosophy of life that has guided you throughout your career?

Keep calm even in stressful situations.

What advice would you give to younger colleagues who are just starting their career?

Stay motivated, even if there are always ‘setbacks’.
Treat your colleagues with collegiality and respect.
When mistakes are made, it's not always the fault of others.
Never lose the fun in your work.

Are there any wisdom or principles that have helped you during your career?

Don't just do your work according to the instructions of management and superiors - if you are convinced that a different way of working is better, then do it the way you think is better.

What are your plans and hopes for retirement?

My hope, but also my wish, is that the whole family stays healthy for a long time. I'll be working in a sports centre and supporting a party service - in between relaxing and unwinding on holiday trips to Tyrol.

We would like to sincerely thank Bernhard Höß for his outstanding performance and his many years of loyalty to Trenkwalder. His stories and insights provide us with valuable lessons and inspiration. We wish him all the best for his well-deserved retirement and much joy in his future endeavours. May his path continue to be accompanied by success, happiness and health.

The entire Trenkwalder team will miss him very much, but at the same time we are delighted that he now has the time for his hobbies and dreams. His energetic commitment will always remain a valuable part of our company history.

Interested in finding out more? Then stay tuned!

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Summer tips for hot days in the officeSummer tips for hot days in the office
Summer tips for hot days in the office

Team Trenkwalder

12 days ago

7 min read

Company NewsHuman resources

Summer tips for hot days in the office

10 tips for a cool head and better performance on hot days

Summer is finally here - and with it the often unbearable heat in the office.

Did you know that work performance drops by up to 70% on particularly hot days? To prevent this from happening, we have 10 tips on how you can keep a cool head and stay focused on hot days.

#1 Airy clothing

Light, loose and light-colored clothing that transports body heat to the outside is particularly suitable for hot days. This means you sweat less and the heat is a little more bearable. Light cotton or linen fabrics are more comfortable in summer than synthetics.

If there is a dress code in the office, simply ask whether it can be relaxed for hot days. It is also important whether you are in direct contact with customers - often more formal clothing is required here, also in terms of shoes.

Our tip: Avoid wearing anything too short or too tight, even on hot days.

#2 Cool down

If it gets unbearably hot in the office, you can cool down by running cold water over the pulse points on your wrist for 2 minutes. Alternatively, you can moisturize your neck and temples with water. This also helps.

Our tip: Fill a small pump spray with water and spray your face and arms if necessary. For even more freshness, store the pump spray in the fridge. You can also use a chilled cloth from the freezer.

#3 Drink a lot

The most important thing in the heat is to drink plenty of fluids! Water, tea and unsweetened drinks are best. They will keep you hydrated. It is important to drink regularly.

Our tip: It's best to drink a few sips every 10-15 minutes to stay hydrated and able to concentrate. You can also eat highly hydrating snacks such as melon.

Coffee should only be drunk in moderation during the hot season, as it dehydrates the body.

#4 Light food

Switch to easily digestible foods in summer, such as salad, fruit or roasted vegetables.

#5 Light exercise

Stay active, even if it’s hot. Light exercise in between, e.g. a short walk in the shade, not only helps to boost your circulation, but also to clear your head.

# 6 Saving electricity = saving heat

The fewer devices are running, the less hot it is in the office. So simply switch off all devices that you don't need all the time. This also saves electricity.

Use the electricity you save for small pedestal fans or heat fans. But make sure that you cool your body and don't blow on your face.

#7 Cool morning air

If you are in the office early in the morning, you should open all windows to let in the cool morning air.

Our tip: Close the windows in good time before it gets warmer, otherwise ventilation will lose its cooling effect.

#8 Keep the sun out

Even if we enjoy the sun, we need to keep it out to maintain a cool working environment. So close shutters, curtains etc.

#9 Plants in the office

A bit of greenery in the office improves the indoor climate and makes the office cooler. But don't forget, plants are also thirstier in summer.

#10 The early bird catches the worm

Become an early bird. Especially if you can work flexibly, you should take advantage of the early morning hours. Not only will you avoid the heat in the afternoon, you can also get home earlier and enjoy the sun.

Try it out and see for yourself: it's a great way to spend the summer in the office.

And by the way, these tips are also ideal for working from home.

Interested in finding out more? Then stay tuned!

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Trenkwalder is awarded the contract for the recruitment of skilled labour by the Carinthian state government  - AustriaTrenkwalder is awarded the contract for the recruitment of skilled labour by the Carinthian state government  - Austria
Trenkwalder is awarded the contract for the recruitment of skilled labour by the Carinthian state government  - Austria

Team Trenkwalder

15 days ago

3 min read

Human resourcesCompany News

Trenkwalder is awarded the contract for the recruitment of skilled labour by the Carinthian state government - Austria

Agency for third-country-labour

The shortage of labour and skilled workers remains a challenge for Carinthian companies. In March (2024), there were 5,500 vacancies. The province wants to counteract the shortage with a new agency that is to recruit labour from third countries and other continents. The new agency is due to start work as early as next week. It will initially focus on the three sectors with the greatest shortage of skilled labour according to the social partners: electrical engineering, metalworking and nursing and healthcare. According to Sebastian Schuschnig (ÖVP), the state of Carinthia will invest five million euros in the agency per year.

Trenkwalder awarded for three years following a Europe-wide tendering process

Trenkwalder was awarded the contract for three years following a Europe-wide tendering process. With its network in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa, it will find suitable skilled workers and assist them with the administrative process up to the Red-White-Red Card. Trenkwalder CEO Mark Pollok: ‘We want to be the bridge between the companies in Carinthia and the foreign markets and then make sure that we find the perfect match for both sides.’ Depending on the industry, the search radius is extended to all continents during recruitment, whereby compatible training standards are taken into account during placement. The first of the six-month industry calls will start at the beginning of June.

"We welcome the Carinthian state government's acquisition of skilled labour. In a precarious labour market situation, this sends an important signal to the economy. As one of the leading personnel service providers in Europe, we are not only internationally networked, but also regionally anchored. It is precisely this fact that enables us to respond to the local shortage of skilled labour. In addition to our concentrated recruiting expertise within and outside the EU, our strength lies in the fact that our recruiting processes, from application to onboarding, are digitalised. We are delighted to be on board as a recruiting partner as part of this pioneering initiative,’ said Trenkwalder CEO Mark Pollok at press conference on the Carinthian state government's on April 22nd 2024.

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Time off work due to extremely hot weather - is that possible?Time off work due to extremely hot weather - is that possible?
Time off work due to extremely hot weather - is that possible?

Team Trenkwalder

17 days ago

7 min read

Company NewsHuman resources

Time off work due to extremely hot weather - is that possible?

What rules apply when it's too hot to work?

Temperatures are climbing above 30 degrees Celsius and the sun is blazing down from the sky.

Summer is not always a pleasure, especially for people with physically demanding jobs.

At school, there is pupils get time off during such times - but does this also apply to working life? And what do you as a company need to do to support your employees against the heat in the workplace?

In Germany, there is no nationwide regulation for extensive heat waves that governs the right of employees to time off work. This means that there is no legal entitlement to free days at high temperatures in Germany.
In principle, there is also no legal entitlement to air conditioning or other temperature regulations. Nevertheless, it should be noted:

If temperatures rise above 26 degrees in the workplace, companies must provide sun protection in the form of blinds or awnings.

From 30 degrees, additional measures must be taken, such as adjusted working hours if there are no flexible working time arrangements. In addition, fans or mobile air conditioning units must be provided at these temperatures, as well as chilled drinks.

Above 35 degrees room temperature, the workplace is unsuitable as a workspace. In this case, the workplace must either be moved to another room or to a home office.

As a general rule, the room climate must be adapted to the human organism. In detail, this means that it must be possible to reduce solar radiation, the humidity should be adjustable and, ideally, also the temperature.

With these 5 tips, you can create additional coolness in your company's workplace:

#1 Ventilate at night, block out the sun during daytime
Opening the windows in the evening can help to keep the room temperature low. Airing the room early in the morning also helps to regulate the room temperature. During the day, windows should be closed and direct sunlight largely avoided, e.g. by using blinds or roller blinds.

#2 Relax the dress code
If your company has a dress code, adapting it can make a big difference. Airy clothing made of cotton or linen is suitable for business and can be a great relief in hot weather.
When working outdoors, headgear, sunscreen and sunglasses are a must for personal sun protection.

#3 Fans and mini air conditioners
Fans don't cool the air, but they do help keep the air circulating and not stagnant. Mini air conditioners or air coolers are an inexpensive alternative and can provide some temporary relief.

#4 Drink, drink, drink
Water, unsweetened fruit juices or tea are best. Frozen fruit in water can provide variety. An alternative from warmer countries is lukewarm tea, as this helps your body to equalize its temperature.
Offer cool drinks or a tea bar in your company for your employees to cool down.

#5 Breaks & cooling down in between
Offer your employees the opportunity to take more breaks. This allows them to refresh themselves in between. For example, you can put towels in the freezer compartment and offer your employees a cool towel.
Your employees will also appreciate an ice cream or chilled fruit.

Remember that performance and concentration levels can drop by up to 70% on hot days.

Make it easier for your employees to work on hot days and create a pleasant working environment.

Interested in finding out more? Then stay tuned!

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Employee satisfaction - How to motivate and retain your employeesEmployee satisfaction - How to motivate and retain your employees
Employee satisfaction - How to motivate and retain your employees

Team Trenkwalder

about 1 month ago

7 min read

Company NewsHuman resources

Employee satisfaction - How to motivate and retain your employees

Satisfaction is good, motivation is better - with these measures you can create a productive and committed corporate culture.

Employee satisfaction is an important parameter for motivating and retaining employees and is crucial for successful company management.

But what does employee satisfaction actually mean? And how can motivation be increased and employees retained by the company?

What is employee satisfaction and how is it measured?

Employee satisfaction is the attitude of employees towards their working environment.

A reciprocal internal process takes place here - a so-called target/actual comparison. The employee has certain expectations of their employer and always compares these with the actual situation.

There are various methods for companies to determine employee satisfaction. Direct measurements using employee surveys or 360-degree feedback provide information about possible deviations between the target and actual situation.

In an additional step, suggestions for improvement and ideas can be asked for.

Other important indicators for determining employee satisfaction are absenteeism, complaints, fluctuation rate, sickness rate and error rate. This indirect approach requires continuous examination of the data. The evaluation and interpretation of these figures is rather subjective and should therefore be used with caution.

Satisfaction is good, motivation is better: How to increase your employees' motivation

If employees are satisfied, there are three levels on which to strive for greater motivation:

  • The first level is the material environment, e.g. workplace conditions or salary.

  • Management style and cooperation belong to the second level, the psychological environment.

  • The last level, the private environment, includes the compatibility of professional and private interests.

The following tips will show you how you can reach your employees on the different levels and thus promote motivation:

#1 Stronger together: Team events strengthen cohesion and improve communication between colleagues. This has a positive effect on everyday working life and employee performance.

#2 Transparency: Make transparent decisions and communicate them openly. Regular meetings with all team members pick up on each individual, reduce misunderstandings and prevent frustration.

# 3 Allow mistakes: A culture of error encourages creativity and the courage to innovate, especially with the complex problems of today's working world.

# 4 The work-life balance makes the difference: Flexible working hours, home office, remote work and other options give freedom to think and act and make it easier to combine job, free time and family.

# 5 Appreciation: Appreciate your employees' commitment to the company. Through individual reward systems, such as bonus payments or premiums, you create incentives for individual goal setting.

Employee retention: How you can keep satisfied and motivated employees

Retaining satisfied and motivated employees is essential for the company's success. A strong bond between the company and its employees has many advantages for the company. Increased productivity, a willingness to work harder and show more initiative, and reduced absenteeism are just some of them.

However, further measures are required to build a sustainable employee-company relationship and a good working atmosphere. The following points help to retain employees:

  • Invest in employee leadership.

  • Encourage independent work.

  • Conduct regular feedback meetings.

  • Offer workplaces with modern equipment.

  • Create further training opportunities for your employees.

  • Provide challenging working conditions and meaningful work.

The success of a company stands and falls with the satisfaction of its employees. It is therefore particularly important to review the well-being of employees at regular intervals and to react appropriately in the event of negative feedback.

At Trenkwalder, we regularly look at the satisfaction of our employees, attach great importance to their feedback and ideas and work continuously to improve it.

Interested in finding out more? Then stay tuned!

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